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Back pain has many different causes - sciatica, lumbago, trapped nerve, joint strain or muscle strain - and each one needs to be treated in a specific way.
That's why physiotherapy back specialists are the best practitioners to see because we use many different skills to resolve back problems - governed by our analysis of the cause. These include manipulation, joint loosening, massage, electrotherapy and exercises.
We can get you back to working pain free, sleeping a full night without pain, playing sport again. Back to the life as you used to know it.
Your back pain is :
- NOT something you should put up with
- NOT due to your age
- NOT going to go away like magic one day
- NOT going to be resolved by pills for months
- NOT just the way it is and you should NOT accept it
- NOT going to recover due to unprescribed exercises from the internet
Remember, the longer you put off starting your journey back to having a more active life again, the more challenging your back pain will be to fix.
Make the decision today to call and get your recovery started.
We would love to help you by inviting you to book a call to talk with one of our physios at our Tamworth or Birmingham Physiotherapy Clinic to find out whether we can help you. Alternatively you can book a face to face Taster session. Just click on one of the links below.
Click the link above to book a 15 minute call with us if you would like to get some more information about our service and find out whether we can help you. Even if we are unable to help we will advise who you should see.
This is complimentary and there is no obligation to book any appointments with us afterwards.
Our goal is to help you make the right decision about what to do next for the best.
Basically, we can help you get back to living life free from the curse of chronic back pain.
If you want more information - and to find out what availability we have at our physiotherapy clinics in Tamworth and Birmingham, then please just click the button below and complete the short form:
If you are not happy with the quality of our service we offer a 100% money back guarantee.w Paragraph